You’ve got the gifts wrapped and under the tree. The Christmas dinner menu is planned and prepped. The halls are decked with boughs of holly. The stage is set for a fabulous holiday party. But how will you keep your guests entertained? Christmas, if nothing else, is about loved ones and enjoying each other’s company. Whether you are spending this holiday season together, or physically distancing with a very merry Zoom Christmas, we’ve got you covered. Read on for some great Christmas activities that help you have the hollie jolliest of Christmases.

1. Pink/White Elephant Gift Exchange

white elephant game

A game for adults, a Pink Elephant gift exchange is a fun way to boost excitement and create a bit of friendly competition. Start by setting a price limit and having everyone bring a generic gift to the party. Everyone then draws numbers and chooses a gift to open. The catch is that you can either choose a new gift from under the tree or steal a gift that has already been opened! Sit back and watch the fun unfold.

2. Virtual Santa Visit

santa on zoom

With so many people being stuck in quarantine during the holidays, this is an awesome opportunity to give the gift of Santa without having to head to a crowded mall. Have a friend or family member dress up as Santa and engage with the kids on a video call. Or join Santa’s Club and bring the magic of Christmas right to your home.

3. Conversation Starters

conversation starter game

Whether you are hosting an in-person or virtual Christmas party, conversation starters are a good way to keep things flowing. Create your conversation starters from this list of fun ideas. Alternately, you can also purchase a game like this one to keep the conversation light and fun.

4. Watch a Holiday Movie

christmas movie

Another favorite holiday pastime, everyone has a classic Christmas movie that they just can’t get through the holidays without watching. Maybe you have a family favourite like National Lampoons Christmas Vacation? Or perhaps you need to finally settle the age-old argument. Die Hard: Christmas movie or not? This year, make a few after-dinner cocktails, layout a tray of cookies and pick a Christmas movie from Netflix. Having a very zoom Christmas? Stream a video that everyone can watch together from the comfort of their own homes.

After all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, the best thing about a Christmas party is getting to enjoy the company of friends and family. Being able to make lasting memories and share experiences. While that may be a little more difficult this year than most, it’s not impossible. Thinking differently and finding new ways to stay connected with our loved ones this Christmas is the key to a joyful holiday season. Having a few zoom friendly Christmas activities handy is a great way to ensure everyone has fun….even from miles away.